Технические предложения из КНР
Исследование и применение ключевых технологий в государственных стандартах маркировки пищевых продуктов

The research organization has, for the first time, constructed the standard system model of quantity value traceability transmission of "national standard of measurement reference method - standard substance - detection method" for important food labeling ingredients in line with the definition of international nutrition, and established and formulated the national standard for new detection methods that conform to the latest national requirements for food labeling and the definition of international nutrition in China. The achievements of the technology have been extensively used in food quality supervision, hygiene supervision, inspection and quarantine, research institutions, enterprises and other fields. A total of 673 units of reference materials have played the role of quantity value transfer and traceability in the detection of nutrition and functional components, and only one institution, i.e. Beijing Institute of Nutritional Resources Co.,Ltd., has offered detection services of nutrition and functional components for more than 3,000 food enterprises, with direct economic benefits over 35 million yuan, providing quantity value traceability guarantee for the accuracy, reliability and comparability of detection results of nutrition and functional components. By applying the nine national standards formed in the project achievement, the Institute undertakes more than 4,000 tasks submitted by the government and enterprises on a yearly basis, providing nearly 10,000 samples and nearly 60,000 data, successfully rendering nutrition label testing and evaluation consulting services for the products produced by thousands of food enterprises in Beijing and the whole country, providing a powerful backing for the smooth implementation of the food nutrition label management standards and the national food safety standard General Rules for Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Food.

In cooperation with National Institute of Metrology, China and Beijing Sanyuan Food Co., Ltd, Beijing Institute of Nutritional Resources Co.,Ltd. has succeeded in completing the technical achievement of "Research and Application of Basic Standard Methods for Labeling Nutrition and Functional Components and Key Technologies of Reference Materials", which was awarded the third prize of Beijing Science and Technology Award in 2014.


China Label-+Judgment   Order

China Label - Testing

  • 项目名称
    Исследование и применение ключевых технологий в государственных стандартах маркировки пищевых продуктов
  • 项目编号
  • 技术领域