Technology offers from Russia
Fundamentals, development of approaches and equipments for the research of living cell dynamics and morphology by the laser interferometry methods (applications to oncology and space medicine)

In development of the completed project № 14.607.21.0202 of the Federal Target Program "Development of a hardware and software complex for early diagnosis of malignant tumor tumors and analysis of the effectiveness of anticancer drugs using laser interference microscopy and infrared thermography" based on the created software and hardware complex for laser interference microscopy and fluorescence analysis (LIM PAK), studies will be carried out in order to substantiate quantitative criteria characterizing the intravital dynamics of normal, cancer and apoptotic cells, the effect of microgravity on the change in cell phenotypes

  • Project
    Fundamentals, development of approaches and equipments for the research of living cell dynamics and morphology by the laser interferometry methods (applications to oncology and space medicine)
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