
Federal state budget scientific Institution «The Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences» (UdmFRC UB RAS)


Brief historical background:

     The Udmurt Research Center of the UB of RAS (hereinafter URC UB RAS) was organized on December 9Th of 1991 in accordance with the USSR AS Presidium Act No. 306 aimed at providing further development of a number of important scientific directions, strengthening the effect of their results on acceleration social-economic and cultural development Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.


      According to the Federal Law of September 27, 2013 No. 253-FZ “On RAS, reorganization of state academies of sciences and changes in certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, URC UB RAS Was handed over the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (hereinafter - FANO) by the order of the RF Government of December 30, 2013 No. 2591-r.

     By the order of FANO of Russia dated July 26, 2017 No. 464, the URC UB RAS was reorganized as addition of the Federal State Budget scientific institution ‘The Physical-Technical Institute of the Ural Branch of RAS’, of the Federal State Budget scientific institution ‘The Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ub RAS’, of the Federal State Budget scientific institution ‘The Institute of Mechanics of the UB of RAS’ as well as the Federal State Budget scientific institution ‘The Udmurt Research Institute of Agriculture, to the Udmurt Research Center with further renaming URC of UB RAS into the Federal State Budget scientific institution ‘The Udmurt Federal Research Center of the UB of RAS (hereinafter - the UdmFRC UB RAS).


     General information:

Address (legal / actual): 426067, Udmurt Republic,

Izhevsk, 34. T. Baramzina st. /426067, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, 34. T. Baramzina st.

Phone: 8 (3412) 50-82-00, 50-88-10

Email: udnc@udman.ru

Site: www.udman.ru

TN: 1831014540


     Director: Mikhail Yuryevich Ales, PhD (Physics, Mathematics), Professor office phone:8 (3412) 50-82-00


     Deputy Director for scientific direction:

      Alexander Ivanovich Korshunov, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, office phone: 8 (3412) 50-82-00, e-mail: kai@udman.ru

     Leading learned secretary: Oleg Yurievich Goncharov, Candidate of chemical sciences, senior researcher, office number: 8 (3412) 43-02-94, e-mail: nir@udman.ru


     Structure and strength:

     The Center comprises the following structural subdivisions and one subsidiary:

     - Physical-Technical Institute;

     - The Institute of Mechanics;

     - The Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature;

     - The Research Center of Metallurgical Physics and Materials Science;

     - The Laboratory of computer training and processing "great" data of production cybersystems;

     - The Laboratory of Biocompatible materials;

     - The Department of Introduction and Acclimatization of Deants;

     - The Subsidiary – The Udmurt Research Institute of Agriculture.

     The total number of employees is 378, 251 researchers, 50 PhDs, 145 candidates of science included.


     The main research areas:

     - physics and mechanics of heterogeneous media, mechanics and physico-chemistry of nanoscale systems;

     - mechanics of a deformed solid and tribotechnology of materials;

     - new materials, devices and techniques for their investigation;

     - physics and chemistry of surface, electron and local atomic structure of surface layers and nanoscale systems;

     - nature and properties of equilibrium and non-equilibrium states occurring in metals  under thermal, mechanical and radiation AL wal effects;

   - electromagnetic, acoustic methods of diagnostics and location of the spatial structure of materials and physicomechanical systems and natural environments;

     - History, culture, languages, literature and folklore of the Ural-Volga region nations in the context of All-Russia and World processes;

     - investigation, preservation and use of biological variety under the conditions of introduction in UR;

   - soil science, agrochemistry, farming, plant-growing, fodder production, biotechnology, plants protection, ecology, zoomachinery, bee-keeping, veterinary medicine, introduction;

  - interdisciplinary scientific directions of the program, including those within the scientific technological packages “Machine Control”, “Bionics”, “Sociocultural territories development”.


     Major Developments:

     A unique Russian breakthrough import  replacing technology of making autonomous impact-resistant measuring instruments equipment of a new generation with Increased survivability to provide shock tests of new samples of weapons military and special equipment has been developed and implemented.

     A scanning coercimeter for high speed diagnostics of ferromagnetic material products – the determination of the structure, hardness, strain-stressed condition, allowing one to obtain continuous dependence of the coercive force along the given scanning direction, which substantially expands the fields of application to control long-length objects and products with developed surface.

       On the basis of studying the parameters of the contact zone in the “steel – gray cast iron” with the elements located in the moved, both on the surface and bulk, the mechanism of thermal effects of different temperatures and the schemes of the mourning piece location on the size, structure and phase composition of the contact zone in the moulids obtained by casting on gasified models.

      The algorithms of partition of computational domains providing parallel on nanostructured meshes have been developed and implemented. They take into account the following: functional properties of grid algorithms, compute load balancing, mapping to multicore  architectures, excluding competition between calculations and communication, conflict-free access in calculations in the shared memory model, which reduces many times communicational costs while solving problems on unstructured grids.

     The complex mathematical model of the calculation of the supersonic flows in ducts has been developed taking into account the homogeneous condensation in the flow, which allows to take into consideration the changes in the pressure and temperature of the medium.

       Fundamental regularities of the heat transfer in gas-liquid medium movement with cools a high temperature structural steel body have been obtained. They allow one to choose hydromechanical and thermophysical parameters that provide the set cooling modes.

     For the first time the molecular organization of the doped polyaniline and polypyrrole films obtained by electropolymerization using synchrotron radiation has been studied. It was found out that polyaniline films have a disordered structure but polypyrrole ones have structural anisotropy substantially increasing their anticorrosion properties. Substantial molecular ordering and structural anisotropy of the polypyrrole films were achieved with the help of doping of the polymer with the dodecyl sulfate ions.