
The member of ASTCRC Institute of Immunology and Physiology UB RAS



The mission of the Institute of Immunology and Physiology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is to conduct competitive, multidisciplinary fundamental and applied research and to develop human resources in the field of immunology and physiology in accordance with the priorities of the state program of scientific and technological development (NTR) of Russia.

The Institute has 7 research laboratories: the laboratory of biological mobility, the laboratory of immunophysiology and immunopharmacology, the laboratory of immunology of inflammation, the laboratory of immunopathophysiology, the laboratory of mathematical physiology, the laboratory of morphology and biochemistry and the laboratory of translational medicine and bioinformatics.


The Institute of Immunology and Physiology conducts fundamental and applied research related to the decoding of the molecular- and cellular foundations of living systems. The main areas of research are:

  • study of the mechanisms of the immune response, regenerative processes, parameters of homeostasis and body adaptation under the influence of pathological processes, antigens of various nature, extreme factors, toxic effects

  • study of immunological mechanisms of regulation of physiological functions in normal and pathological processes during ontogenesis and aging

  • development of new methods for correction of the disturbed functions of physiological systems, highly effective biological and synthetic compounds with immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties using computer screening and modeling methods

  • development of the fundamental principles of the use of molecular and cellular technologies in personified medicine and pharmacology

  • study of the mechanisms of regulation of heart function in norm and pathology, the effects of extreme and technogenic factors

  • study of the molecular mechanisms of muscle contraction and structure – function relationship in the muscle

  • development of personalized computer models of the human heart using supercomputers for the prognosis, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases



Since 2014 the Institute has been running the Center for Collective Use of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It consists of 32 units of world-class high-tech scientific instruments. http://www.ckp-rf.ru/ckp/310492/

The Institute has a high personnel potential. The Institute has an academician and a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 16 doctors of science, while 60% of the staff are young scientists. The Institute is offering training programmes in "Fundamental Medicine" and "Biological Sciences" for postgraduate students.


Our collaborators are Institutes of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University, FIC Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, UrFU, Ural State Medical University, Ghent University (Belgium), University of Freiburg (Germany), Okayama University (Japan).
